ExecAssist.io provides an accessible, free, and simple solution to a complex problem: Executive Dysfunction.
ExecAssist.io is aimed at people that experience executive dysfunction, whether it is due to autism, ADHD, or both.
ExecAssist.io is built around methods that improve executive function, such as accountability.
ExecAssist.io was originally created after the frequent observation of individuals with ADHD and autism trying to find helpful organization/reminder apps.
Most of these apps, however, didn't target the areas that they struggled with, were costly, and got boring over time.
Each app had its own cool feature. Why couldn't there just be a single app that combines all these features and is free to use?
ExecAssist.io was created in response to this question.
Because ExecAssist.io is open source, anyone can see the codebase and add their own features.
And because people can add their own features, ExecAssist.io will continue to improve and your executive function will improve along with it.